New Trip 2010 Feb Off to find a Steam Donkey Log Loader

Old Crew Van

Old Crew Van

Crew Van Door  - Bullet Side

Crew Van Door - Bullet Side

Inside the Old Crew Van

Inside the Old Crew Van

Underside of the Crew Van

Underside of the Crew Van

Drivers Door of the Crew Van

Drivers Door of the Crew Van

Another Truck or Van Saltery Bay

Another Truck or Van Saltery Bay

The Other Truck or Van Saltery Bay

The Other Truck or Van Saltery Bay

Ford F350  approxiamate year 1962?

Ford F350 approxiamate year 1962?

Old Crew Van -1962 Possibly

Old Crew Van -1962 Possibly

I heard about this steam donkey log loader last year down near Saltery Bay, the thing is sitting in an area logged out around 1960, so the road in is really harsh. So I went looking for the old road and found it and will have to go back with my quad, but along the way I come across these two old trucks beside the road.

About OldFart

I was born in Powell River, British Columbia and have been a part of it since 1965.
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