Years ago when it truly took a 4×4 to get to some of the places around Powell River, we used to go to Larson’s Landing on Haslam Lake, we called it the PigPen. We used to camp, party and race our 4×4’s around the turn-a-bout that was used in the old log hauling days. Back then in the late 1970’s and very early 1980’s there was not much left of the logging days there, but a few old cars, a boat we called the SS Minnow, and a few scatterings of equipement. I returned there on August 27 2009 and found it still takes a serious 4×4 or quad to get down to the site but once I got there I found it hasnt changed really all that much. It seems a bit overgrown but well used still by 4×4’s and quads. I didnt find much left of the old equipment, did find remnants of the 2 cars I rememebered and could not find any detailed thing left of the old boat there, but it did certainly bring back memories.
Thank you John for pointing out my misnaming of this location