It is 2016, and although I have not posted in a while my wife Samantha and I have been doing a fare amount of trail walking. Life changes but things are still vanishing here in Powell River. Recent logging activities have destroyed or removed a few things that have been posted on this site, but some things remain.
When I was a kid, my family used to do a lot of driving in the back country, when roads were harsh and vehicles were left abandon all over the place, it was always weird to see an abandon vehicle in the back country, one always wonders why it was left, why would no one come back for it?.
On this walk up Duck Lake Road is a trail, well travelled but really obscure in its whereabouts, people would drive by it hundreds of times, never realizing its there. Samantha and I took a walk one day, we walk on trails we have never been on as much as we can.
This one is referred to as the 51 Pontiac Trail, and this is why.