Sterloff Property Sunshine Coast

It always nice to get emails from other people who enjoy my posts, its even nicer when they share the same interests. Recently I received an email from Mike Pearsons, who shared pictures, and links to his blog. Mikes blog is interesting to read, with many interesting pictures. He has allowed me to post the pictures here of the items relevant, but you should really read the history behind the photo’s.


Hi Rob….not a problem sharing the pics and info. The Sterloff property got picked over after sitting for 50 to 60 years, after the volunteer firemen did a practice burn on the old couples house. The put too many eyeballs on the place..and the wholesale removal of the gear started.

The Doriston trucks story was in the blog…on how they were literally stolen and crushed for scrap.

I’m going to spend the next few spring/summer seasons looking for great sites to photograph and hopefully get some stories on.

Enjoy Mikes pictures and blog as much as I have

About OldFart

I was born in Powell River, British Columbia and have been a part of it since 1965.
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