Powell River has a museum, most people know about it yet not many ever know much about it. For the last couple of years now I have been slowly trying to figure out a way to see them into a new building. I go and attend the museum alot and it is always a sad thing as 80% or more of the items that could be displayed sits in storage, unseen from the public, tourists, and local residence alike.
The Museum needs a new building, not only a new one but a large one. It has been my idea that this new museum would be located in the Historic Powell River Townsite and my reasons are really simple here. The Historic Townsite will give the Museum better access to grants towards a new building, also property within the Historic Townsite is more readily available with the added value of being within a Historic Townsite itself, I personally find that its a good location.
It is also my view that even though the larger census is that a new library needs to be built and is preferred in the Westview area, the possibility of sharing costs, maintenance with a Museum, Library and possibly a Art Center and should the Sliammon First Nations also be interested in a joint venture, a First Nations Cultural Centre as well.
The Location I have at present, if all the above is shared, is the old Mill Offices, currently on the market, but certainly would fit the criteria as I presented above. I am sure others have ideas, and viewpoints and I welcome them, in the meantime I will push forward and start to collect monies for this project.
I have no specific plans in place, just an approxiamate number, I will work alongside the Museum and the money collected here will be placed into a joint account and can only be used for a new building.
If you have any suggestions on how to raise the money, please feel free to leave your comments, or even your viewpoint on the issue.